10 Photos That Show What AI Image Generators Struggle With Most

2 months ago 7
four girls singing and playing guitar on stage

1 of 10Created by Katelyn Chedraoui using Leonardo AI

1980s girl band

One of the things AI image generators struggle with the most is photorealistic images. When I prompted Leonardo with "1980s girl band performing on stage," I wanted something that would resemble a photograph, and the images were way too oversaturated and fake-looking. And I wasn't quite envisioning the droopy, vampiric facial characteristics, either.

An AI-generated image of an overwhelmed dog walker surrounded by dozens of dogs, a few of them with anatomical problems caused by the AI

2 of 10Created by Stephen Shankland using Dall-E 3

Dog walker surrounded by dogs

This image was made by what we ranked as our top AI image generator, OpenAI's Dall-E 3. It's compelling, but if you look closely, you'll see a cat, a two-headed dog and other problems. Even the best AI programs aren't always right.

turtles dressed in armor eating at a long table

3 of 10Created by Katelyn Chedraoui using Leonardo AI

The Last Supper with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

This is a great example of an amazing idea that didn't end up exactly right. I was impressed that Leonardo knew enough about TMNT and da Vinci's famous painting to mimic their styles and colors, but when turning humans into turtles, some characteristics got wonky. Points for trying!

four rafters in a tube in a river

4 of 10Created by Katelyn Chedraoui using Canva Magic Media Ai

White water rafting adventure

This is one of the funniest images Canva's Magic Media AI tool created. Accurate facial expressions was one of Canva's biggest stumbling blocks, but the pure horror and exaggerated fear on these people's faces made me laugh. Human expressions continually challenge AI image generators.

a soccer team celebrating a win

5 of 10Created by Katelyn Chedraoui using Midjourney AI

Soccer team celebrating a win

I really have no idea what's happening in this one, and I don't think Midjourney knew either. I used Midjourney's built-in editing tools to expand one of the original photos, and instead of adding more soccer players, it added... whatever that is on the right. Midjourney gets points for having editing functions, but sometimes they make things worse.

an iPhone displaying a jumbled TikTok logo

6 of 10Created by Katelyn Chedraoui using Canva Magic Media Ai

iPhone with TikTok logo

In defense of Canva here, none of the AIs I tested were able to render specific company logos well. This is a great example of how even well-known brand icons can't be recreated with AI, no matter how much you adjust your prompt.

a library room full of books with a rolling ladder

7 of 10Created by Katelyn Chedraoui using Leonardo AI

Beautiful library with rolling ladders

While reviewing Leonardo, I found that one of the things it was best at was creating beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, the library room of my dreams is ruined by the rolling ladder to nowhere. This is a classic case of disappearing overlapping objects.

kitchen counter full of spices with an open cook book

8 of 10Created by Katelyn Chedraoui using Canva Magic Media AI

Warm kitchen ready to cook

This Canva image looks fine from afar, but when you look closer, the details unravel. Check out the lettering on the cookbook page and the blurriness of the cutting board in the middle ground. Images like these highlight how frustrating it can be to create AI images. Even when you think you've got a winner, a small flaw could render it unusable.

An AI-generated image of a person looking enraged behind an overflowing box of cleaning supplies

9 of 10Created by Stephen Shankland using Dall-E 3

Frustrated cleaner with a box of supplies

Dall-E 3 has a conversational tone and can help you improve your prompts. In this case, it really amplified the prompt and the overly dramatic end result missed the intention of the original prompt. That's why good AI image prompt engineering is so important.


Cartoon girl creating at a computer

A lot of problems can come up when generators try to create real-looking people. Changing the style to cartoon or anime-looking can occasionally help, but as you can see from this woman with many, many fingers on her hand, it doesn't always work.

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